What Is the Difference Between Mental Illness and Mental Disorder?

NeuroPsychiatric Hospital
3 min readAug 8, 2022

Although the terms mental disease and mental disorder are becoming increasingly prevalent, many individuals still do not adequately comprehend them. Frequently, individuals act inconsistently and make terrible selections. This is harmful and can hinder someone from receiving assistance. Understanding the distinction between the two might help you adequately explain your difficulties, even though it is not always simple to obtain service. Let’s examine both of these phrases more closely. How can you determine whether a person is suffering from one or the other?

There are numerous varieties of mental illnesses. Several are categorized as personality disorders. However, the term mental disorder is not universal. Some are categorized and associated with multiple diseases. A person with a mental health condition may find the distinction between mental disorders and mental disease significant. Regardless of the sort of mental disease, you must promptly seek therapy. A medical practitioner can assist you in diagnosing your condition and obtaining the appropriate treatment.

A person with mental problems may exhibit various symptoms, including aberrant conduct. This can involve strange ideas and behavior and difficulties with sleeping, attention, and other parts of life. In contrast, bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of intense depression and mania. In most instances, the severity of bipolar disorder varies from individual to individual. Schizophrenia is uncommon and marked by delusions, hallucinations, and harmful repeating thoughts.

A person with a mental disorder is typically not at fault. Many individuals with mental illnesses can heal. However, early therapy and active participation in recovery are essential. On the other side, anxiety impacts daily living. If the symptoms become excessive, it could be an anxiety condition. Similarly, ADHD youngsters are frequently energetic and disorganized.

Some persons with mental disorders may respond favorably to antidepressants and antipsychotics, among other drugs. However, taking medications as prescribed by a healthcare professional is crucial. Never discontinue a medicine without first consulting your doctor. Professionals in mental health may also recommend psychotherapy for symptom management. Psychotherapy may consist of individual or group sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that enables individuals to alter their negative thought habits.

Twenty percent of the population in the United States suffers from behavioral health issues. These disorders are difficult to control and can impact a person’s behavior, thought processes, and emotions. Accurate diagnosis is a crucial first step in preventing future damage. Consult your healthcare professional to discover what condition you may be suffering from. If a diagnosis is established, treatment can then commence. Understanding the distinction between mental disease and mental disorder is crucial.

Some mental diseases have a genetic basis. The risk for mental illness can also be affected by genetics and the environment. Mental problems have a genetic component. Thus a family history of mental illness is necessary. In addition, a mental disease is not universally defined. Since 1952, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) has been used in psychiatry. The term “mental disorder” is still used in this edition, but it has been replaced by a pseudo-medical word for numerous stress-related symptoms.

Even though psychiatric problems are not usually classified in the same way, similarities between the two are prevalent. Consequently, the terms are frequently confused, and there are cases in which they differ. If uncertain, however, it is preferable to see a mental health expert. Depression is the most prevalent mental health problem in the Philippines, and the line between mental disorders and mental illness is blurred.

The onset or occurrence of mental illness symptoms during an individual’s lifetime. In various societies, some cases of mental illness have been classified as deviant. This is a significant reason why the distinction between mental disorders and mental illness is vast. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the most widely accepted diagnostic tool for mental illnesses. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal conduct are among the symptoms.



NeuroPsychiatric Hospital

Patients are referred to the NeuroPsychiatric Hospitals network when they have a serious acute mental crisis, as well as related medical or neurological illness